Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Potty Pusher

I hear so many people talk about how hard it is to train their little people to use the toilet or potty and I just laugh. In Psychology I learned alot about rewards and punishment and I found out first hand when
Raiyawna was a child that "POTTYREWARDS" was the way to go!

I put a glass jar filled with M&Ms on the bathroom counter, and everytime she did number 1, she got one handfull of M&Ms; the number 2 got her two handfulls. I know when you think of handfulls, you cringe but imagine a two year old whose little hand can barely hold six. My baby would try to gather as many M&Ms as she could and trust me, she went to the potty as many times as she could mustar up even a little tinkle.

Since it worked so good with Raiyawna, we did the same for Dobrielle! Now, I can imagine with children being so hyper that M&Ms might not be so great, but I surely would use some type of colorful goodies that would draw their attention!

Both my girls were fully trained by the age of two and I accredited this totally to my brilliant "POTTYREWARDS" idea! Positive reinforcements are always a plus with children, pets, or husbands:)!
Try it moms with your choice of healthy treats and let me know how it works!!!

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