Wednesday, September 12, 2012

When Children Go Astray

There are so many parents who are just embarassed about the decisions and choices their children are making and most look at me as if I've done something so wonderful because all three of mine are in college. Well, I hate to burst anyone's bubbles but I deserve no praise for this and the only thing I can say to you is from the time my children were small, I spoke in their hearing that not going to college wasn't an option. I took away their right to choose by constantly telling them that I would not be satisfied until I held their college degrees. Although, highschool graduation day was sweet, it wasn't the certificate that I praised.

Some children will quickly tell their parents that they are tired of school but no matter where they work, it still requires learning. Learning is just an element of life that never goes away and when it does, you better watch out because PRIDE will try to invade. So to me, to make the excuse that you are tired of school is to prepare yourself for a life governed by self, and this always leads to pure destruction.

I can just imagine what the father in the Bible felt when his prodical son declared that he wanted what was his so he could leave. We all desire for our children to have the best but sometimes it's the worst situations (or what we feel is the worst) that leads to the best child. Eventhough, they are the products of our DNA, they are their very own fearfully and wonderfully made, unique self. So as a parent, we have to embrace this uniqueness and pray that they don't have to go through too much fire to become the person God created them to be; or to walk in the purpose He's assigned to them.

Nevertheless, when and if they do go astray, parents we must remember that it is not our fault! Maybe you didn't spank them, maybe you spanked them too much, maybe you didn't talk to them, maybe you talked too much, maybe you weren't a friend to them, maybe you were too friendly, maybe you gave them too much, maybe you didn't give you see, there's no perfect way to parent. The best that you can do is always find BALANCE...and PRAY! So, move from the space of thinking that you should be ashamed of them and begin to love on them. You have a covenant connection with your children and this gives you the right to hang in their even when they are going in all the wrong directions.

God has a way of making it all work out! I'm just crazy enough to believe that anything, any spirit, any faults that attaches itself to my children can and will be brought down. I believe that the anointing breaks yolks and strongholds can be broken. So the next time your children go astray, hold your head up and put on your HOLY boldness, stand flat footed on the WORD of GOD and declare that they shall live and not die, that they will turn from their wicked ways, and most importantly that God has the power to protect them until they come to themselves. Be Blessed!

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